Please make sure that your device sound is enabled. We developed a game to respect our privacy. This means that the game can not override your device's settings; iOS operating system has different way of shutting down sound in our game (not just inside of the game, for example you can shut down sound by setting phone on silent mode or setup volume to it's minimum value...). You have to make sure that your device isn't set on Silent mode (via the small button on the left side of your phone/tablet). If this is the case, the sound in our game won't work, even if the game itself says it's on. 

Certain Apple devices have other modes that might stop the sound from working, such as a "Do not disturb mode". To check this, go to Settings -> Focus and check modes. Then go to Sounds & Haptics as well, make sure a that allows your device to play sounds is selected and it should fix the issue. If your device sound is on and the game still fails to play sounds, then please open a support ticked and we'll get back to you quickly.